“Knowledge of the insurance market, speed, reliability… in a word: Gesea!”

Critical claims on the total assignments. Fraud intercepted by Gesea in relation to the tasks managed
123 € MLN
Client’s saving generated by Gesea
Over 15 years of experience

Frequent questions

What is Gesea?

We are a seasoned Company specialized in Audit, Antifraud and Business security

What are the services offered?

Our Anti-Fraud Services are connected to the management of all Non-Life and Life guarantees. Furthermore, we are specialized in the technical and investigative management of inquiries commissioned by the Company Divisions and by our clients’ Top Management.

What are the advantages for Gesea’s Clients and Partners?

Our promise is to generate saving for the Client with a positive cost-benefit ratio, guaranteeing corporate security and conflict to fraud. We help to increase our client’s corporate image and reputation by protecting their corporate assets.

Who is addressed Gesea?

Our target is represented by Italian and foreign Insurance and Reinsurance Companies.

How does Gesea support its Clients and Partners?

We understand the needs and requirements of our Clients and Partners, and guarantee “tailor-made” solutions able to satisfy every single request, thanks to our team of Analysts and Consultants.

Are there territorial limits to Gesea’s activities?

We carry out and guarantee global coverage of our activities in Italy and in the rest of the world thanks to Globalray, our international Network formed by Entities and Institutions, Economic Operators, Consulates and Embassies, without neglecting Authorities, Governments and private companies.


Contact us for more information.

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